leetcode : Pow(x, n)
runtime 0 ms, beats 100% of cpp submissions
O(log(n)) solution with explanation
tags: recursion, math
runtime 0 ms, beats 100% of cpp submissions
O(log(n)) solution with explanation
tags: recursion, math
runtime 30 ms, beats 98.10% of cpp submissions
O(mn x log(m)) solution with explanation
tags: hashmap, sorting, string
runtime 0 ms, beats 100% of cpp submissions
O(n^2) solution with explanation
tags: math
runtime 4 ms, beats 94.44% of cpp submissions
O(n x n!) solution with explanation
tags: backtracking
runtime 0 ms, beats 100% of cpp submissions
O(n x n!) solution with explanation
tags: backtracking
runtime 8 ms, beats 99.37% of cpp submissions
O(n) solution with explanation
tags: greedy
runtime 4 ms, beats 92.49% of cpp submissions
O(mn) solution with explanation
tags: string, simulation
runtime 7 ms, beats 99.76% of cpp submissions
O(n) solution with explanation
tags: two pointer
runtime 48 ms, beats 93.89% of cpp submissions
O(n) solution with explanation
tags: none
StackGAN: Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision
briefly explained in a few minutes
difficulty : 💛💛💛💛🖤
tags: vision transformer, contrastive learning, text-image bridging