leetcode : Unique Paths II
runtime 0 ms, beats 100% of cpp submissions
O(mn) solution with explanation
tags: dp
runtime 0 ms, beats 100% of cpp submissions
O(mn) solution with explanation
tags: dp
runtime 0 ms, beats 100% of cpp submissions
O(min(m,n)) solution with explanation
tags: math
runtime 6 ms, beats 92.60% of cpp submissions
O(n) solution with explanation
runtime 0 ms, beats 100% of cpp submissions
O(n^2) solution with explanation
tags: simulation
runtime 13 ms, beats 95.58% of cpp submissions
O(n) solution with explanation
tags: None
runtime 39 ms, beats 94.21% of cpp submissions
nlog(n) solution with explanation
tags: sorting
runtime 0 ms, beats 100% of cpp submissions
O(mn) solution with explanation
tags: simulation
runtime 110 ms, beats 97.84% of cpp submissions
O(n) solution with explanation
tags: dp
runtime 69 ms, beats 93.58% of cpp submissions
O(n) solution with explanation
tags: greedy
runtime 0 ms, beats 100% of cpp submissions
O(n) solution with explanation
tags: string